Ministry Update from Pastor Dan
A Word from Pastor Dan:
I’ve been thinking about Freedom…
This Monday Belize will celebrate Independence Day. With all the different problems and disagreements that we may have here in Belize, Independence Day still represents the one thing that all people can celebrate: FREEDOM.
Freedom is one of the greatest blessings we have. We enjoy Political freedom, from which flows the freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and our freedom of speech. We enjoy Personal freedom which gives us the freedom of worship, the freedom to work where you want to work, live where you want to live. The freedom to vote, the freedom to pursue higher education, start your own business and so on.
But in the land of the free, …not all are free. It is possible to be free, and enjoy many personal freedoms, yet still be held in the worst bondage that man can know. To be held in spiritual bondage, …the bondage of SIN.
Jesus said, “…whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.”
(John 8:34)
Our political freedom is a gift from God.
Spiritual freedom is also a gift from God.
Perhaps the greatest freedoms that God gave man at creation was Free Volition. The freedom to make decisions, the freedom to choose.
The only One who can free the sinner from the bondage of sin, is Jesus Christ. By placing your faith in Him, accepting Jesus as your Savior, you will be set free.
Jesus said, in John 8:32, 36
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.
Each of you still has the freedom to choose.
The choice is yours. You can choose to remain in bondage or choose to accept Christ as your Savior and be set free for all eternity.
When you choose Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven. You are set free from your past, and free to enjoy Heaven forever. Accept Him as your Savior and enjoy true freedom, …Freedom in Christ.
How tragic it would be, to have the freedom to choose, and yet fail to choose Jesus Christ.
Remember… the choice is yours.
I am thankful for the freedom we enjoy in Belize.
I am most thankful for the freedom we have in Jesus Christ!
Have a great day, Church.
Enjoy the Holiday celebrating our freedom.
Pastor Dan
Originally posted on our Facebook page.